Casa Nela

Make yourself at home.

Host with the most

Discover a diverse range of private event experiences tailored to different cuisines, sizes, and formats. Whether you're envisioning an intimate dinner or reserving the entire restaurant, we have your next celebration covered.

  • 45 seated, 50 standing

  • 75 seated, 150 standing

  • 8+

181 W 10th Street

  • 30 seated, 45 standing

  • 75 seated, 100 standing



  • 24 seated, 25 standing

  • 90 seated, 125 standing

  • 8+

825 Third Avenue

East Side

  • 30 seated, 32 standing

  • 20 seated, 25 standing

  • 10+

350 First Avenue

  • 18 seated, 20 standing

  • 45 standing

West Village

18 Greenwich Avenue

  • 100 seated, 130 standing

  • 8+

1 Perry Street

  • 20 standing

  • 50 seated, 75 standing

  • 8+

Turn moments into memories

Book your next event with Casa Nela